"Empowering Women, Empowering the World! Zonta is a global network of women dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls through service and advocacy. Join us today and be a part of a movement that is making a positive impact in communities around the world."
Latest News
33rd March against family and domestic violence
will be held on Tuesday 5th December 2023
The Zonta Club of Perth is a Not-For-Profit organisation dedicated to inspiring action towards a world where gender equality is a reality. Our service projects include:
Zonta says YES to gender equality
We work to remove barriers and create opportunities for women and girls
our events
Monthly Meeting
Thursday 14th Nov 2024
St Catherine's college, 2 Park Road, Crawley, 6009
End of Year
December. TBA
Support Our Work
Our strength is amplified with collective action, and you can help make a difference with Zonta today! The support we receive is a huge driver of the good work we do in addressing some of society’s most challenging problems.