What your contribution will do.
As a not-for-profit organization dedicated to empowering women and girls, the Zonta Club of Perth relies on the generous support of visitors like you. Your donations play a vital role in enhancing the lives of women and girls by enabling us to fund local, district, and international activities.
By donating through our sister foundation, the Perth Foundation for Women Ltd, a tax-deductible gift recipient, your contribution will directly support our impactful programs. These programs encompass many initiatives, including educational workshops and scholarships to provide opportunities and support to women and girls in our community.
Your donation will make a significant difference in promoting gender equality, fostering empowerment, and creating a brighter future for women and girls.

Number of Trees Planted
Help us Plant
More Trees
Women and girls are more heavily impacted by climate change than men; it makes sense for the Zonta Club of Perth to help offset our carbon emissions
For every 40 containers collected, we will use the cash to plant a tree

Please scan the provided QR code to securely download the Zonta Club of Perth's Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) identification number. Store the resulting barcode image in your photos for convenient and expedient access whenever needed